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A cabinet of wonder.

A pillbox hat, a pocket watch, a toy typewriter, and a 1980s Care Bear are carefully arranged in a glass curio. I adore these objects along with so many others saved from family basements. My fascination with objects comes from the many hours I spent exploring my grandmother’s attic as a child, a magical place full of knickknacks, clothing, and accessories from another time. I feel connected to my family through these objects for they hold our stories.


I take great care as I make objects to process my stories, honor them, and connect to others. In my crocheted work, I aim to perfect each woven stitch over and over out of sign of respect and love. My work continue the tradition of women's work as a "labor of love" while the use of wire adds a sense of permanence and structure to the memories and experiences I hold dear.

Full of caring moments.

Cancer has caused me a fear that I have never felt before. It is often by my side, tethered closely to me, as I wade through the grief my illness has caused. Moments of gratitude and compassion grant me the distance I need enabling me to move forward one day a time.

In my studio practice, I respond to the love, sadness, and grief experienced during times of illness and disease.

The quiet strength of nature.

When I moved to the country, I began gardening. I planted native flowers, tried my hand at growing vegetables from seeds, and learned to savor the scent of lavender. After my medical treatment, gardening became a distant memory. My body was exhausted. Gradually as my strength returned so did my love for nature. Daily

walks with my daughter became our morning ritual. Stopping at the willow tree, I tugged on a branch hovering over us, giving it just enough tension to fling into a wild dance. She giggled with delight. These tender moments of wonder and joy slowly brought back my spirit.

Time spent in nature has sparked personal discoveries and intellectual curiosity. I create forms reminiscent of flora and anatomy that are often intertwined, as if growing or healing together or possibly mended. I reflect on the strength and complexity found in the natural world, including our own bodies.

Artist's Statement: About

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